Virtual Embodied Racial Consciousness: Public Offering
Please join us June 12, 2021 at 2pm CT on Zoom
We will use the wisdom of the body, breath, and each other to center, heal, celebrate, and begin to come to terms with the racial trauma we all hold. This virtual space is intended to be intergenerational (we are excited to experience the power of multiple generations engaging in this practice together).
This session will involve movement, Brownbodyy artists, and be facilitated by Deneane Richburg (Brownbody Artistic Director), Lela Aisha Jones (Brownbody Associate Artistic Director, Movement Facilitator), and Sandra Richardson (Brownbody Undoing Racism, Healing, and Organizational Consultant).
We ask that you bring with you the following items:
- Water and a vessel (i.e. a bowl or vase) in which water can be poured
- An Ancestor(s) we will spend time connecting with and honoring the wisdom of our ancestors
- A gesture your ancestor(s) frequently did, or one that reminds you of your chosen ancestor(s)
- A journal
This public offering is Free and Open to All