SUPPORT Brownbody


Donate through our Paypal or GiveMN links or purchase merchandise in our Bonfire store.

Brownbody is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Doing this work is not always easy, But it’s worth it. For every reason. Want to know why? Because Brownbody gets the chance to connect with people, to create spaces where US based Black communities can connect, share, and live in their full beauty and glory and then pay it forward.

Speaking of paying it forward. Brownbody depends on the generous support of anyone and everyone that believes in this work understands they are an important part of this journey.

So we’d love you to consider becoming a part of the Brownbody family by offering up a tax-deductible donation. Any amount is truly appreciated.

We’ve gotten this far. But there are further distances to travel. Tag along with us on the journey.

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